Arctica Web Design
Website Creation Analysis
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Website Analysis

To gain a complete understanding of the company's needs, the Website and its future clientele. With all the collected information and in-depth knowledge of the requirements we will move on to the Design phase.

Project Managment
We will assign a single point of contact to be your Website designer / coordinator throughout the creation of your Website or database, and your coordinator will be aware of all the details relating to the entire project. We will only change your Website designer / coordinator if requested to do so.

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understand your needs, without any obligation. (514) 799 7932
Arctica Web Design
Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm EST
1 (514) 799 7932
Your Name
In the early phases of the process our professional website designers gather all possible information about the future Website or database.
Among other things, we will answer the following questions: What kind of Website do you need?
What actions should the code perform? Do you need a database-driven site?
Do you require interaction with the viewer, and if so, what kind of interaction?
Who are we targeting as a client? Do you need feedback from the client? etc.
There are a lot of questions to be answered.

That is why in this phase of the Website design process the cooperation between our website designers team and the client is the most intense.
During this time we will also ask you to supply us with the materials regarding the Website content including text and pictures.

This is also the time when we select and register your domain name (this is one of the first steps). Selecting the right name is very important and will greatly influence the success of the Website. Deciding what platform to develop your application on, and choosing your hosting services also takes place during the analysis phase. If your company needs a database-driven Website we will have to select an application for database development. Any functionality of your Website also has to be discussed at this stage.
Website Analysis | Web Design | Website Development | Website Deployment | Web Site Maintenance
Database Internet Terms | Consulting: Web Development Database Website Design